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মেনু নির্বাচন করুন
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Recent Activities

1) Overall quality of training in Diploma in Engineering and Basic Trade Courses Ensuring

    implementation of necessary policies and project proposals for development.

2. Ensuring training in demand-based diploma in-engineering and basic trade courses.

3. To develop the knowledge, skills and vision of the teachers

4. Demand for technical and vocational education and training suitable for national and

   international labor market to determine. 

5. To adopt and implement training plan as per the demand of local and international

    labor Market.

6. Diploma in Engineering and Basic Trade Courses are subject to training to organize 

   Seminars and workshops on the needs of the teaching staff.

7. In-house teacher training program to improve the quality of teachers and others)

   to formulate.

8. Environment to encourage women in technical education for gender equality create and

   increase education-friendly facilities.

9. Workshop on job market demand, technical and vocational education to manage.

10. Creating projects for conducting technical and vocational education and training

    in the country contact the organization

11. With a variety of activities including seminars, symposiums and workshops creating

     relationship with the institute.

12. Employment of advanced students through development of relationship with industrial

     Factories to create opportunities.

13. Celebrations of various national days, social activities, religious ceremonies, anniversaries

     conducting sports and cultural programs, blood donation and tree planting programs.

14. Maintain cleanliness and security of the organization

15. To provide regular guidance and counseling to the students.

16. Ensuring use in the revenue sector and locally available budgets.

17. Ensure regular internal monitoring and audit.

18. Celebrate Parents' Day every year.

19. Maintain communication with local dignitaries.

20 Following the Quality Manual as directed by the Department.

21. Ensuring the safety of test question papers.

22. Ensuring activities in accordance with occupational safety and personal hygiene rules.

23. Conduct eco-friendly activities.